Groovy Greeks!


Posted by missph | Posted in Uncategorized | Posted on September 25, 2020

Wow! What a brilliant week we have had in Elm Class!

We have officially started our new topic ‘Groovy Greeks’! We have been excited about starting to learn about the Ancient Greeks and how they lived. We looked at Greek Pottery and how it changed throughout the years and then had a go at creating our own Greek-inspired pottery! It was very messy but a lot of fun! We cannot wait to decorate them in the style of a Greek Period.

We have been reading lots of Greek Myths and have been fascinated by all the different Gods and Goddesses and their superpowers! We had a lot of fun creating our own myths and performing to each other as well!


We have continued to work really hard on our place value, looking at rounding to 1,000,000 and negative numbers. Miss P-H has been super impressed by everyone’s hard work!


We have continued our work on Forces in science. We carried out an investigation into whether or not a lever would be a good system to use to get a meteorite out of the ground. We concluded that although it would be possible, it may not be the next solution, so next we are going to investigate pulley systems.

In PE, we have been continuing to practice our leadership skills and learning how we can change games using the STEP process. We had a lot of fun playing the pirate game! We also put the learning we have been doing in Hockey to the test as we played mini matches against each other – these were a lot of fun, even if we did get a little bit soggy!!


Overall we have had a fantastic week and are looking forward to delving deeper into the Greek Civilisation next week!

Miss P-H 😊



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Comments (2)

Dear Miss P-H,

Oh I love that photo of Archie creating his Greek Pottery! We have been hearing about how much he enjoyed this experience when we have spoken about it at home. Wonderful to let the class’ creativity run riot!

We have also been practising rounding at home and there’s not a lot that will catch him out, which is great news. Archie also likes to help brother Harry with his numbers too.

I look forward to seeing the finished pots when they are decorated.

Keep up the great work!

Andrew A-S

Great pictures! Con has loved telling the family about Greek Mythology – the scarier the better!

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